Sunday, August 29, 2021

Enter the Dragon and Meet Pete's Stalker: Ahna Capri

Before Ahna Capri was in Enter the Dragon with Bruce Lee, she was Pete Malloy's stalker in "Log 172: The Things You Do for the Job."

Ms. Capri's home movies from "Enter the Dragon" plus her narration on Youtube.

Back to 1969

This is the one where Pete kills a woman and gets away with it. Then he goes back to being a model officer, like nothing ever happened. That's my read-between-the-lines take. If you prefer, he showed up for their date in his Dad Clothes and that turned her right off.

Or maybe he was loud, rude, and puked on her shoes. Maybe she realized it was only the uniform that got her interested in the first place. Either way, he gets rid of her, and this was an insult-your-intelligence kind of episode. 

But we've got actors and locations! 

Opening credits naming who's largely to blame here (but someone higher up had to greenlight it):

The church website at the moment.

Pete is about to find out what happens when you leave North Hollywood. Never veer off Lankershim. Silver Lake isn't your Happy Place. Maybe this experience will learn ya something, Freckles.

Adam-12 patrol the Silver Lake Reservoir loop.  And appear to be driving on the wrong side of the street (!?) in their pursuit of Ms. Capri, "Penny Lang."

Haha, I just got it. Penny Lane. Penny Lang. Was that the joke?


I am not sure when the 5150 Hold began. Was it in use by 1969? A police officer can take you to the hospital for a mental evaluation, and you have to stay up to 72 hours. Not sure if you have to be a danger to yourself for that to happen. Otherwise, a RESTRAINING ORDER might have been the way to go here. Celebrity stalking laws didn't even get started in California until 1990. 

Tip for Malloy: "I already have a girlfriend. I'm engaged. I'm married." Did none of those occur to you?

In a case like this, you need some support from your Brother Officers. Of course, you get NONE.

Instead, a spoiled little rich girl's incessant pursuit of Pete results in him being laughed at by Brother Officers, scolded by his superior, and the assumption made that she's his girlfriend. Telling her off only makes her more determined. And so it unfurls:

It's a real book:

And you're thinking, "I'm so disappointed in this man. Why did he go all spineless? Tell her OFF. The law is on his side. She's harassing an officer. Have her arrested for nuisance calls. Put an END to this, Pete!" But no. Pete gives in. Or does he?

Next day Reed has to pry it out of him.

Apparently Anna's name, being European, was always pronounced "AH" like "open wide and say ahhh," but it kept getting Americanized to rhyme with "can," so she put the H in to correct people. Even though she was not a child actor at this point, she was a child actor once. 

Ahna Capri on Mannix

Ahna Capri on Mannix

Sadly, Ms. Capri died in 2010 after being in a coma following a horrific crash in, yes, North Hollywood.

Her Hollywood Reporter obituary is archived here.


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