Wednesday, August 4, 2021

1-Adam-12 See Maureen Robinson, Camp Part 1, Season 7, FIRST HALF

Camp: Part 1, Season 7, Episode 1

The final season opened with a two-parter. If you've got June Lockhart, you want to extend her stay.

Lots of North Hollywood and surrounding areas in this one. 

Of course the episode has an actual story, but I watched it for the locations and the actors. If there's no description, it means I didn't know the exact location. Often they'll shoot one part of the drive in location A, and then when they actually get to the scene or pull the suspect over, they're in a location B. These first few I can't pinpoint, but most of this episode has known locations. Keep scrolling 😎

This shot was used more than once. It appears in Season 6.

The Valley has a lot of industrial parks and places that look just like this. I guesstimated Van Nuys, but all of the surrounding areas have them too. ("Nuys" rhymes with "guys.")

Comedy note: 

Many years ago I met Slash from Guns 'n' Roses when he was playing with his other band Slash's Snakepit, and I saw their tour itinerary included an usual place -- I forgot where -- and I asked him about it, and he didn't know where the place was. His bandmate turned and said, "Just outside of Van Nuys, Slash." Like North Hollywood, Van Nuys as an answer always gets a smile.

You can see the name and address look like cloth or something temporary, and also the address number does not exist in that area of the Valley. South to north runs around 4000 to 7000, and east to west runs around 10000 to 17000 in street numbering.

The sign in the back is real, and maybe says "Jamar Pacific" (?) 

A look at our actors before returning to locations:

Season 7 is where my nicknames for them, Freckles and Squint, officially change to Fats and 'Burns, although Reed had been rockin' those sideburns for a while.

Speaking of "more of him to love," 

Back to the streets!

Back to our actors:

Mac: "Hey, Pete. We all make mistakes. Even the Strawberry Fox."

That makes me cringe. I guess it's kinder than the Ginger Marshmallow

The boys go to Sherman Oaks when Tod gets back in the car.

1-Adam-12 See Maureen Robinson,  Camp Part 1, Season 7, SECOND HALF


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