Saturday, December 18, 2021

Adam-12 at Vineland and Magnolia

Adam-12 at the colorful corner of Vineland and Magnolia, North Hollywood in 1973

Adam-12 1973 Wide World Imports Magnolia North Hollywood
What are those colorful businesses you caught a glimpse of in "Capture" Season 6, Episode 9 (and other episodes!)? One was Wide World Import Bazaar. Although the main store was in Pasadena, this lesser-known North Hollywood location made it into Adam-12. Northwest corner of Magnolia and Vineland, at 11011 Magnolia. All gone now, voltage tower and all, as the march of the Monster Boxes continues through Los Angeles. This glimpse of San Fernando Valley business history got captured on Adam-12. Anyone remember actually going in there?

Wide World Import Bazaar Magnolia North Hollywood 1973 Adam-12

Wide World Import Bazaar Magnolia North Hollywood 1973 Adam-12

Wide World's main location was in Pasadena:
Wide World Import Bazaar Pasadena

The strangest thing for me is the high voltage tower right next to it.

Adam-12 1973 Wide World Imports Magnolia North Hollywood
Today the tower and the entire former building are gone, but farther south on Vineland (at least) one of these remains right next to the street. 

The other colorful building was Fiasco Automotive.

Fiasco Automotive North Hollywood Adam-12 gas prices 1973

Adam-12 Reed Fiasco Automotive North Hollywood 1973 Magnolia and Vineland

The 1932 structure is still there.
Fiasco had been in business since at least 1965. Unknown what color it was then.

Adam-12 on Magnolia at Vineland 1973 North Hollywood

Curious to know if it was the same streetlamp. [Street lamp, streetlamp -- apparently both!] 

Around Los Angeles some of the old-style ones are actually replicas (my friend looked into it), but I can't say for sure. I knocked on one of these in front of the El Portal on Lankershim, trying to decide if it had a heavy feel or felt cheap. Newly painted anyway. I honestly couldn't say. My feeling was "replica" -- but that's not to say replicas in front of the El Portal mean replicas on Magnolia and Vineland. That modern thing across the street in my photo below is HIDEOUS. Adam-12 drove by the El Portal here.

El Portal North Hollywood Lankershim streetlamps street lamps

Another actual business you get a glimpse of is Hannig's Imported Car Service at 10940 Magnolia. 

Hannig's Imported Car Service on Magnolia in Adam-12

Our Adam-12 boys were actually going to the Mobil station, after the art department had turned it into the comical "W." Instead of "Wesco," why not just put "free bird seed" for maximum laughs? 

Alas, the Mobil station is long gone, as is so much of North Hollywood (read: the Valley, Los Angeles, California, the world we once knew).
Tip for recognizing Vineland (i.e. they've left Lankershim briefly) -- it has a median down some of it. 

Yikes! Look at the air quality! It was much worse in the 70s.

There was more to this episode, but the colorful western corners of Magnolia and Vineland called to me first. Still, gratuitous Mac shots are a must:

William Boyett Sergeant MacDonald Adam-12 Mac 1973

Spaulding Square Bungalows in Adam-12 episode “Excessive Force”

  Spaulding Square Bungalows in “Excessive Force” Lots of photos of upscale Hollywood bungalows from 1919 follow.   Central Division patro...